
Wednesday, January 07, 2009


forgot to act paranoid and ask for the more spacious seat next to the emergency exit.

D -:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

G*d I have to share this.

dint get to go for the Homecoming so googled 'dunman homecoming' and found this blog entry from a sec one girl.

that post really got me wondering, was i like that once?with so much joy and excitement for life and dislike towards the opposite gender...

read the whole entry and you will find some really classic stuffs and sure be glad that all hope is not lost for dunman high.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

camwhore in training


passed with flying colours

Sunday, December 21, 2008

today went to find my last time neighbourhood friends.

on the way there saw one eagle fly across the road...out of a chinese restaurant.

D -:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

brought my cousin downstairs to the playground, and one eight-year-old boy called me 叔叔.

he was the fourth to call me that since i came back gz.

suddenly think i wear school uniform carry school bag very i should be counting money and playing with the 阿姨s.

Monday, December 08, 2008

went for an art exhibition with my mum..

renoir, munch, eugene delacroix, millet, monet...
still dno how to appreciate these kind of paintings go there see the names only.

a lot people there. mostly art students. and some old old pros. real pros. cos got this damn chio potato farmer woman but they only looked at the husband's pants and the sack. dno they are pros or homos.

another chinese painting exhibition.

easier to understand.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

love's in the air. smell it.
suicide bomber animal